Our goal is to keep your senior pet happy, healthy, and active. Sure, there are countless age-related conditions, but many of them are preventable with the right veterinary care. At Archer Veterinary Clinic, we offer our clients and their senior sweethearts just that.
Pets hit their golden years much sooner than we do. In fact, depending on size and breed, dogs and cats are considered seniors around 5 years young! The more your pet ages, the more vulnerable they become to illness, disease, infection, and parasites. Let’s work together to keep your pet feeling great for years to come with semi-annual wellness visits. This will allow us to pick up on health changes much sooner so we can make a diagnosis and begin treatment. Please keep a closer eye on your senior pet and let us know right away if you are concerned about anything at all!
Behavioral changes are to be expected. We urge you to be patient and understanding. We are always here if you need advice or assistance with age-related behaviors such as increased vocalization, disorientation, greater irritability, house soiling, frequent wandering, less responsiveness, altered sleep schedule, and more.
Located off of I-355 on the corner of Archer Ave and Cokes Rd.
Phone: 630-257-5121